Using Kit in Work Orders


Allows the use of product KIT when entering work orders to facilitate the entry of products to be used.





Catalogue Management

  maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Catalogue Management


An assembly is a catalogue item that consists of other catalogue items.

To create an assembly:

  1. Click the Catalogue Management option.
  2. Create or select an item from the catalogue.
  3. Click Status and select KIT.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Define the list of items in the kit by following the steps for creating a bill of materials.


Define Bill of Materials

  maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Define Bill of Materials


A bill of materials defines the list of items in the assembly kit.

  1. Click the Define Bill of Materials option.
  2. Select the Product for the kit.


This product is from Catalogue Management.

  1. Enter the list of items in the kit and the required quantity for each.


The kit can consist of a fixed quantity if checked, or a variable quantity if not checked.

  1. Click Save.


Enter Work Orders

You can use kits in the Items to be Invoiced tab. If you select a kit in this tab, the system reads the items in the kit and displays them in the Material Used tab.

To select an assembly:

  1. In the Enter Work Orders option, click the Items to Bill tab.
  2. In the code column, select a kit type for which a bill of materials has been defined.
  3. Enter the quantity to be used.


If you specify the number of kits to be used, the system multiplies the number by the quantities entered in Define Bill of Materials. The details for items from the bill of materials and the required quantities of each are displayed in the Material Used tab.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025